Webinar: Dealer's Choice: The Subro Settlement Game and the Wildcards of Indemnity & Confidentiality



Date & Time

Start Date: 06/20/2018
Start Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET


Joe Rich and David Brisco, of Cozen O'Connor's Subrogation and Recovery department, will present a webinar titled, "Dealer's Choice: The Subro Settlement Game and the Wildcards of Indemnity & Confidentiality." We've all been there. You've agreed to the number and now its time to memorialize the settlement. But now your adversary deals you a wildcard and calls for terms and conditions you never agreed to or ever discussed, buried in the deck. This is a reoccuring scenario for all recovery professionals. In this webinar, we will explore how to respond when dealt these wildcards, with a specific emphasis on dealing with indemnity provisions, confidentiality provisions, requests for the insured's signature, and other snags that come up in settlement agreements.

The presenters will discuss:

  • Indemnity provisions
  • Confidentiality provisions
  • Uninsured claims & the insured
  • Other "settlement snags"


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David D. Brisco

Vice Chair, Subrogation & Recovery, West Region

[email protected]

(619) 685-1704

Joseph F. Rich

Vice Chair, Subrogation & Recovery, Southeast Region

[email protected]

(786) 871-3941

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